Open Networked Learning

Do you want to learn (more) about ways to use digital tools for teaching and learning?

Here's a course for you! Open networked learning addresses teachers, course designers, educational developers and learning technologists in higher education, focusing on how available digital technologies can support course design and extend opportunities for collaboration, engagement and learning. The course is run in collaboration with other universities in Sweden and abroad (presently Finland, Germany, Singapore, South Africa and Switzerland) and it's a great opportunity to learn with colleagues from around the world in a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural context!

Please note that this course, though web-based, requires weekly online presence in Zoom meetings and collaborative work within a small group!

Course dates:

The course runs over 12 weeks from 19 September to 11 December 2022. There is one compulsory face-to-face-meeting at AHU* or via Zoom on 20 September, 13:00-14:30, and after that the course runs entirely online. 

Apply no later than 7 June 2022.

The number of participants is limited to 6.


Course website


Lotta Åbjörnsson, Educational developer, AHU, LU
Lars Harrysson, Senior Lecturer, Socialhögskolan, LU


Language: English

Scope: The workload on the course equals two weeks of full-time work, i.e. 80 hours.

The course starts on the web 19 September and ends 11 December 2022.

Charge for admission: The course is free of charge 2022.

Participants: The number of participants is limited to 6. Teachers from outside Lund University may apply for the course and will be admitted due to available places.

Application: You apply no later than 7 June 2022.

Submit your application to your faculty contact. 

Those who are not members of any of the faculties apply to Lina Andersson, AHU, 046-222 39 00. 

Limited number of admission places. Teachers from outside Lund University may apply for the course and will be admitted due to available places.

Page Manager: caroline.cabotuvet.luse | 2024-03-13