Lärarrollen i högre utbildning

Lärarrollen i högre utbildning (Teaching and learning in Higher Education)  is an introductory course that it is normally required for the subsequent Course design in higher education. 

Teaching and learning in higher education is open to teachers and staff with teaching assignments at Lund University without prior training in the area. It equals two weeks of fulltime work, i.e. 80 hours that can be translated to 3 higher education credits.

The course is comprised of workshops, short lectures, discussions, reading and assignments. Apart from scheduled hours, the course includes individual work such as reading and assignments. In order to receive a course certificate, attendance and active participation in all parts of the course is required, as well as passed assignments.

The course is in Swedish. 

Course description: 

Open the course description here (PDF, 213 kB, new tab)



Maria LarssonSara Håkansson and Sara Andersson


Room O104, MNO-house, Sölvegatan 16, 223 62 Lund.

About the course

Language: Swedish

Scope: The workload on the course equals two weeks of full-time work. For doctoral students the course is evaluated to ECTS credits by your faculty. 

Charge for admission: Lund University teachers: 2 weeks 7.800 SEK

2 october
4 october
5 october
13 october
26 october

Time: 09:15 - 16:00 all days

Location: Room O104, the MNO-house, Sölvegatan 16, Lund

Apply no later than 8 June 2023.

Submit your application to your faculty contact.

Those who are not members of any of the faculties above apply to Lina Andersson, AHU, 046-222 39 00. 

The number of participants is limited to 24.

Page Manager: caroline.cabotuvet.luse | 2024-03-13