Critical platform infrastructures for public education: Struggles over Data and Implications for Teacher Work

We invite you to a lecture with Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, senior lecturer at Gothenburg University (Department of applied IT) and associate professor in education. 

Time:  Thursday Nov 30, 3.15-16.45 (ca)
Place: To be announced

Public education is increasingly dependent on commercial and cloud-based services of digital platform infrastructures as part of their everyday work, regulating work in different ways, and affecting public sector values. These processes are therefore not without tensions or acts of resistance emanating from new power constellations. By drawing on trace ethnographic material from two research projects, Balanced? - Teacher digital work  and RED - global digital inequality using policy and infrastructural mappings, observation and interview materials, this talk aims to reveal tensions at work around datafication and platform infrastructures, and discuss the different values and implications at play for the public education sector. 

Annika has engaged in research on teachers’ digital work and how aspects of power around digital platforms and datafication affect education and work.

To register, click here.

Sidansvarig:  | 2023-10-06